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Aquamarine for Authentic Self-Expression


The mermaid stone is found throughout our ancient myths and legends...   It was said that sea merchants would carry Aquamarine in their pockets to protect them from the fear of drowning.  Ancient Greek mythology tells us that Aquamarine washed ashore from treasure chests of the Siren, creatures who would sing to tempt men into their murky waters, but would also give safe passage across stormy seas.  Aquamarine was a sacred stone to Neptune and carried with it the call of the ocean, and the Egyptians believed it was a symbol of happiness and prosperity. 


But above all, Aquamarine was believed to be a healing gemstone that brought serenity and relief to the body, mind and soul.


As you can see, its color instantly promotes calmness, inviting you to dive a little deeper to connect to your own truths. It has a powerful tendency to keep you feeling soft and balanced in order to set aside all judgement and be tolerant of yourself and others.


Aquamarine is also a great stone for those seeking closure.  Sometimes called “The Stone of Courage”, it’s frequency supports inner strength and resilience and works with the throat chakra to keep your voice steady in order to speak clearly as you ask for your needs and wished to be met.


Aquamarine’s energy pairs wonderfully with those who want to sharpen their intuition and deepen their relationship with the Universe by reminding you to allow space for quiet contemplation and connection with your inner knowing and your higher-self.


The Setting
This piece hangs on an 18" sterling silver chain. The healing power of silver is amplification. Silver represents the Moon, shining a light on the unseen. Wearing silver enhances intuition, love and well-being. Silver is the metal of emotions, of the psychic mind, and of loving & healing. When silver is used with gemstones, the metal retains and amplifies the qualities of the stones, allowing for a gentle flow of energy between the two. Silver is known to enhance the powers of lunar cycles and is excellent for use in energizing other stones during the full and new moons. Sterling Silver also  represents Mars, the planet of action, inner strength, motivation, ambition and inner knowing. The energy of this precious metal supports self-confidence, emotional healing, and attracts abundance & wealth.


Each Mystic Metal + Stone piece is infused with the intention to help you align with your most powerful and authentic expression of self.

This is a hand-forged one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry; variations and imperfections should be expected and celebrated.


Sterling Silver and Aquamarine Lariat Necklace

  • Chemicals & Water

    Strong chemicals, sulfur, sweat & perspiration, chlorine, and harsh sunlight can tarnish and corrode the shine on your silver.

    Don't shower with your jewelry on, but if you forget to take it off, make sure to dry it with a clean towel after.

    Take your silver off when going in the pool or  chlorinated water. Chlorine is a harsh chemical, so if you forget to remove your silver jewelry, rinse and clean it afterward. The heat in a hot tub can accelerate the chemical reaction.

    Sulfur in natural hot springs will antique your silver, so if you love the "dark oxidized" look, great! If not, take silver and copper off.

    Chemicals in lotions and perfumes can also cause your jewelry to tarnish. Apply them first, let them dry, and then put your jewelry on.


    Air exposure can tarnish your silver. so it's best not to leave it in an open jewelry chest. Store it in individual bags. Avoid putting pieces in the same bag, this can create tangling, scratching and tarnishing.

    Silica gel packets provide anti-tarnish protection; save them for your jewelry box.

    Take Your Jewelry Off

    Preventative care is significantly easier than dealing with damaged or tarnished jewelry. Remove jewelry during the following times:

    • When doing dishes, laundry, and when using cleaning supplies.
    • When exercising, at the gym, or playing contact sports
    • When showering or bathing
    • Swimming, hot tubs, or saunas
    • When lying in the sun
    • When applying lotion, makeup, hair products, perfume, etc.
    • When preparing food or cooking
    • Outside tasks (gardening, mowing, etc.)


    Sterling Silver can be cared for using a simple polishing or microfiber cloth. Be sure to avoid polishing any part of the jewelry that is intentionally oxidized.


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