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A stone that embodies passion, action, and creativity, Desert Jasper supports figuring out where your soul is taking you and how to get there and serves as a reminder that anything is possible when you believe you are truly your own creator.


Desert Jasper connects us to the energies of the Earth for increased self-confidence, self-worth, and to realize our full potential, supporting the motivation needed to move forward.  This beautiful stone also amplifies our intuitive knowing when making decisions, especially when there are multiple factors to consider. It’s a wonderfully supportive stone for going deep beneath the surface of emotions to find core issues that may be creating challenges.  By supporting confidence and the desire for new experiences, this gemstone can help make it feel easier to accept change and to take healthy risk without fear.


Wearing silver enhances intuition, love and well-being. Silver is the metal of emotions, of the psychic mind, and of loving & healing. When used with gemstones, the metal retains and amplifies the qualities of the stone, allowing for a gentle flow of energy between the two.


Brass represents Mars, the planet of action, inner strength, motivation, ambition and inner knowing. The energy of this precious metal supports self-confidence, emotional healing, and attracts abundance & wealth. 


Copper represents Venus and its properties amplify and expand. Copper is an excellent conductor of energy; promoting increased energy flow and awareness, while enhancing connection between you and others.


​​​​​​​Featuring the energy and message of: “supported”.


Affirmation: I am supported by The Universe in every aspect of soul’s journey


Each Mystic Metal + Stone piece is infused with the intention to help you stay aligned with your original soul blueprint, and keep you moving in the direction of your most authentic expression of self.


Follow your True North.


Desert Jasper Copper, Brass and Sterling Silver Cuff

  • Strong chemicals, sulfur, perspiration, chlorine, and harsh sunlight can tarnish and corrode the shine you love in your silver. Remove jewelry during the following times:

    • When Showering or bathing
    • When doing dishes, laundry, and when using cleaning supplies.
    • When exercising, at the gym, or playing contact sports
    • When showering or bathing
    • Swimming, hot tubs, or saunas. Chlorine is a harsh chemical, so if you forget to remove your silver jewelry, rinse and clean it afterward. Hot tub heat can accelerate the chemical reaction.
    • When lying in the sun
    • When applying lotion, makeup, hair products, perfume, etc. Chemicals in lotions and perfumes can also cause your jewelry to tarnish. Apply, let it dry, and then put jewelry on.
    • When preparing food or cooking
    • Outside tasks (gardening, mowing, etc.)
    • Sulfur in natural hot springs will antique your silver, so if you love the "dark oxidized" look, great! If not, take silver and copper off.

    Storage: Air exposure can tarnish silver, so use a jewelry storage container or individual bags. Don't store pieces in the same bag to avoid tangling, scratching and tarnishing. Silica gel packets provide anti-tarnish protection; so save them for your jewelry box.

    Polishing: Sterling Silver can be cared for using a simple polishing or microfiber cloth. Use long up-and-down strokes with different parts of the cloth to avoid spreading tarnish and be sure to avoid polishing any part of the jewelry that is intentionally oxidized with patina.




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